Publications Lisa Fischel-Wolovick
" The Experience of Domestic Violence Survivors in the US Family Courts: Gender Bias in the Court ," The International Journal of Forensic Psychotherapy , Vol. 3(1). Special Issue: Gendercide - Gender Divide, August 2021.

" Battered Mothers and Children in the Courts: A Lawyer's View," International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies, Vol. 17(3). Special Issue: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Domestic Violence and Coercive Control, September 2020.

Traumatic Divorce and Separation: The Impact of Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse in Custody and Divorce. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.

"Traumatic Exposure in Children During Custody Litigation," Family & Intimate Partner Violence Quarterly,
Vol. 10(4), Spring 2018.

" The Family Protection and Domestic Violence Intervention Act of 1994: Ten Years Later," Lawyers Manual on Domestic Violence: Representing the Victim, 4th and 5th editions, published by the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Dep't. 2005, and 2006.

"The Primary Aggressor Law and Self Defense," Lawyer's Manual on Domestic Violence: Representing the Victim, 2nd Edition, published by the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Dep't. 1998.

" Double Jeopardy and Domestic Violence Law," New York Law Journal, June 22, 1995.

"Children Who Witness Domestic Violence," New York Law Journal, October 17, 1994.
Lisa Fischel-Wolovick, Esq.
99 Park Avenue, Suite 1100, New York, NY 10016
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email: LFW@wolovicklaw.com
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